Let's take you on this exiting, inspiring and motivating new journey. As mentioned, I have a huge passion for women and girls of all ages. My heart’s desire is that every woman and young lady I work with must see their beauty through new eyes and know that they were created without flaw. Dressing up is not just about looking good but…Why not look good while enjoying life to the fullest. I want you to discover who you are with a newfound self-confidence and to enjoy this journey called life.
about me
Maureen Koorts Image Consultant and Stylist is a business created from a passion and deep love for all things beautiful. Our vision for Maureen Koorts Image Consultant & Stylist is to help women with passion and to motivate, inspire and guide them to embrace and value what God has equipped all of us with. True beauty comes from within and reflects on the outside. We want to equip women to know that they are wonderfully and fearfully made and to help them build a self- confidence so that they may know they are flawlessly beautiful.
MK Image consultanting
Maureen Koorts, daughter of the highest King Jesus. Wife to a supportive hands-on husband and dad, Mother to three beautiful children (2 vibrant boys and a very special little girl) and a Business owner of multiple companies. She understands how difficult it can be to be elegant and stylish between packed lunches, school runs and extramural activities, but it is possible, and Maureen can help you. As a certified Image Consultant, Maureen can assist you as a Personal Shopper, Wardrobe Consultant or Stylist. Her work in the beauty industry is motivated by her love to encouraging women to see themselves through the eyes of God, who created us in His image. “She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honour. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.” - Proverbs 3:15-17. Maureen believes true beauty is ageless. With her passion and skills, she would love to motivate and inspire every woman and girl to embrace her God given attributes. When a woman discovers and believes in her inner beauty, she will radiate that beauty. She can help you on that road of discovery. We tend to compare ourselves with other successful women and sometimes become our own worst critics. Maureen wants to change that and guide you to discover your new individual style that will showcase the best you. It is time to live your own style and beauty. Our style journey will be about working with acceptance, encouragement, motivation, being hopeful and readiness to act.
Maureen Koorts